

January 29, 2023

Website price tags vary nowadays from a couple of hundreds to thousands of euros. Depending on experience, given time, complexity and project quality, companies and self-employed web developers name prices. All these divisions are interdependent and a slight change in one of those can cause a domino of changes at the others and subsequently to the project’s price. A simple static one page web application can cost some hundreds while an online shop with a structured and attractive front-end and a database integration on the back-end can cost from 6.000 to 10.000 euros.

In order to build a structured project, a certain amount of time is needed to produce a fine outcome. Time can affect two factors of a project, the price and the quality. If the customer needs a simple, one page custom website built from the ground up, a developer might need at around 20 days to produce a nice outcome with good quality whilst, if the customer needs the website to be up and running in 10 days, it will cost him more, as more hours should be put in, in a shorter time span, and the quality might not be as good as it would be in the other case.
A better option for someone that needs an easy solution should be a template where the layout is pre-designed and just needs the customers info to be put in. You can find all my templates here.

Experience plays a very big role on the final price of the project. A company or a self-employed developer with experience can ask for more money as their past projects and/or education can verify what they are capable of, whilst a startup or a young web developer will demand less money. Recommendations also play a big role as the voice of previous customers can be very helpful for the new ones.

The quality of the project is inextricable with the final price of a project. Many people do hasty work, use old-fashioned frameworks and practices, or create web applications that are not user friendly and functional in order to make the price more attractive. Building a website is not an easy task and requires most of the times the cooperation of different professions. Most of the websites that are online require a web developer, a web designer, a translator if the website is mult-ilanguage and a script writer. The web developer codes the back-end and the front-end, the web designer designs the front-end and helps with the structure of the website as well as with the photos (most of the times photos need editing), the translator helps with the translation of the real meaning and the script writer writes the lines that a user will understand the best. Website building is not a one man job and those who do it alone will probably make mistakes in the process. Purchasing a website is an investment for the future and needs to be spot on, be careful of your choices.


Complexity :
Last but not least, complexity is a decisive factor of a project’s price as well. If a website is a low complexity website (single paged responsive no-database, non multi-language, non-animated) will be charged less than a high complexity website (ex. an e-commerce website where real money and transactions are involved, multi-page, multi-language, responsive, several products, animations, big database system etc).

How I build and cost websites:
I personally make custom websites from 2020 and have a team which consists of a web designer, a script writer and a translator. With my team we are able to work on our expertise and produce the best possible outcome. Not all websites require the use of a translator or a script writer but if needed, I got you covered. A professional, custom, responsive, multi-language, multi-page website is priced around 3000 euros by me. A custom personal, single paged, animated, responsive website will cost around 1500 euros. The main reason of a website is to help a business or a self-employed person increase sales or traffic in order to make more money or become noted by others. I use the latest technologies to achieve those results and help my clients get where they want to be.

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